about us

Who are we?

We are Farhat and Farishta, two young sisters and globetrotters. We fell in love with the concept of charcuterie during our recent trip to Canada and we believe this is the next trend. According to our research, there is no service of this kind in Germany so far and we immediately recognized the potential. That is why we made the decision to bring this new trend to our hometown Düsseldorf first and then to expand into other major cities.

Why should you choose us?

There are three reasons why we are the perfect choice for you:

1) We only use fresh and healthy ingredients.
2) Our packaging is plastic-free. We use biodegradable cardboard.
3) We are passionate about it and always give 200%.


Our vision
Providing people with healthy food and reducing waste to a minimum.

our mission
We don't just deliver food, we present it. After all, your eyes eat with you ... :)